Undergraduate Admissions

International Students - Good Guidance through the Admissions Process

  • If we start with the premise that the college counselor is already quite adept in advising the international student (a Certificated Educational Planner, UCLA College Counselor Certificate with International Student coursework, professional member of OACAC, HECA, IECA and NACAC), then the time constraints are perhaps the most pressing challenges for this advisor. There are numerous sequential parts encompassing both the immigration and financial aid processes. Each piece seems dependent on the previous step and the approaching deadline(s). Every facet of the process seems very much interrelated. A counselor’s ability to create a student plan four years out (when you consider the testing and language piece too), and schedule the processes based on the individual preferences is crucial.

    For the counselor with a large case load, finding the time to adequately understand the needs of each student, identify and develop a strategy for that one individual, then communicate and monitor the processes to ensure the optimal outcome, will undoubtedly involve more of the counselor. Starting early is essential. Gaining a clear sense of family dynamics (communication and logistic issues may be formidable), providing colleges with a sneak preview of the applicant by mid-junior year, then advocating for the student will require more of a time investment.

    Identifying institutional fit early enough to have the COF in place for an Early Decision application, yet making sure that bank statements and other supplemental documents are current with timely submissions may pose challenges too. Having an independent consultant / private college counselor help oversee deadlines brings a tremendous asset to the international student. 

    For those students already attending US high schools, the counselor’s piece in the matriculation process is more involved with submitting the I-20 soon after graduation. Advising students on waitlists may involve summer availability.

  • As your private college counselor and independent educational consultant, I (Patricia Nehme, CEP) will play a more pivotal role in advising about immigration issues, in researching college options and financial aid resources, in advocating for the student, in facilitating the various processes and in continuing to be a resource after high school graduation.